Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posts this week, I've been working a lot this week. I'm pretty exhausted. Today I get to spend some time with my extended family, which will be awesome, although it will be weird not to have my parents there.

We are truly blessed by the people around us, but at the same time some days we continue to hurt. I had a day off this week, and was so busy trying to get stuff done before going back to work the next day, when it was time to go our weekly bible study, I just didn't have the energy and really didn't want to be around people. So Justin went, and I got to hang out with some of my most favourite people, my sister and her two kids.

My niece and nephew are awesome. I love them so much, they bring me a lot of joy. I don't know what it is about my niece, it could be the fact that she looks like I did when I was a child or that she is seemingly having a personality that is just like mine, but on wednesday this past week being with her really hit something in my heart. I know that I still really have that desire to have children that look like me and my husband, and although I am so excited to adopt our baby, I'm not sure if that vision of my kids will disappear or just change as we adopt.

I've learned a lot about God's love during this time. God adopts us as his own. Because of Jesus and what he did for us on the cross (perfect timing as we remember this at Easter), and how he rose again, he covers our sins. Jesus is our mediator, and when we accept Jesus, God no longer looks at us and sees our sins, but rather he sees his son's face. He sees Jesus in us, and we are his. I have been starting to feel like I'm understanding this more as we are moving in the adoption process. I know that this baby will be mine, even though I never carried it. It's going to be mine even though our genetics will not be the same. There will be no differentiation, I will love that child no more or no less than if we have biological children one day. When we reach the pearly gates, God's not going to be differentiating us, as we have been adopted. It's been a really neat lesson to learn, and I also feel like I didn't do a great job articulating it, but maybe one day that will happen.

I just want to say Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy your time with family and little ones today! And rejoice as we celebrate the ultimate sacrifice that was made for us.


1 comment:

  1. Not blood of my blood,
    Nor bone of my bone,
    But still miraculus my own,
    Never forget for a single minute,
    You didn't grow under my heart,
    But in it!
