Friday, March 22, 2013

It takes a village....

Many of you might of heard the african proverb "It takes a whole village to raise a child". And it does. From a stand point of living in a community with others, raising children should be a responsibility of the said 'village' that involves not only parents but also friends, extended family and essentially anyone else who is part of that community. Children learn all sorts of things from a variety of different places. So let's keep that in mind when we around other people's kids.... they pick up stuff from everywhere, and we should live as examples for the younger generation.

I am going to put a little bit of a different spin on this. Yes, Justin and I are currently adults. We have grown up and work full time jobs, but we are still growing every single day. As we walk through this experience of infertility and now the adoption process, God is stretching us pretty thin (not literally, but that would be nice!), and honestly, we need a village built up around us!

It's really hard and humbling to reach out for help. In our society, asking others for money is considered 'charity' and no one wants to have that classification over their head. Well friends, call me what you want, but Justin and I can't do this alone. I'm a very open, social person, and it was incredibly hard for me not to be able to share this with everyone. The moment I published my first blog, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, like I could breathe, like I didn't need to just cry every moment of every day. I think this peace has really come from God, as I learn to reach out and rely on other people. Which is hard, really hard.

That being said. I know that I am more than willing to help those in need, whether in practical ways, monetary ways or through prayer and friendship. And part of me needed to see that maybe people would be willing to do that for me, and that is really humbling especially coming from a person who has struggled with self-worth issues her entire life.

I guess I firstly want to say thanks. Thanks for the overwhelming love that everyone has shown us since we started up the blog. Thanks for the people that have started donating via pay pal! We have truly been blessed. But I still really want to challenge you guys to become and remain part of our village as we continue to journey through this. Keep up with the blog, encourage people you know to read it! Pray for us! Give us money if you feel that you are called to!

We need a village.... and you are part of that village! Help us get our baby, so you as part of our village can help us raise that little one!

I also want to give you guys an update on our funds (I hope to get like a thermometer or something on the side there so you can see how much we have in the bank). Justin and I opened up our bank account last week and deposited the money from our spare change and from items that we have sold from in our house. That along with the donations that we have received so far via pay pal, already puts us over $1000 raised! We are on our way, only about $34,000 to go.

Thanks for all your love and support.... we need a village for the long haul!

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