Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fantasy #95 : adopting a child.

So today I'm brainstorming for our next big fundraiser for our adoption and I'm googling all sorts of stuff, then of course I make my way onto Jack FM's website as they are having a big contest called 94 ways to get your Jack on. They are giving away 94 fantasy prizes. Some of them of pretty awesome and I would definitely be ok winning one of those, although I must say I was hoping that there was a prize for an all inclusive adoption.

I'm deeming prize #95 an all expense paid adoption. Or at least I was hoping it would've been on the list. But then again maybe that's not what people want these days.... to take care of the orphans. Maybe that would be more appealing if it didn't come with such a huge price tag! Well no matter how lame of a fantasy this is - it's my fantasy and I'm working towards it.

Don't get me wrong - fundraising has been incredibly humbling and necessary process. And although I wish I could win the lottery or meet some stranger like on those secret millionaire shows or like undercover boss who would love to give me money - that's just not reality. I'm the kind of person who is aware that things take work. I know that although we love to believe we are going to win the jackpot, that it doesn't happen regularly. So here I am back at the drawing board. Fundraising... fundraising, and more fundraising.

After only thinking about this for an hour, I've become frustrated and stressed. No wonder this cold sore is taking over my entire mouth. The truth is, I hate selling stuff. I hate bothering people. That's why I don't sell stuff for a living. Fundraising is an incredibly humbling, frustrating process. And it's a necessary evil that we need to do if we don't want to take out a second mortgage in order that we can have kids.

Fundraising is so interesting because to me, everyone's selling crap you don't want. Here buy this t-shirt or this bracelet, etc, etc. It'd be nice if I could sell something that people needed in order to live. Buy these groceries and help us get a baby - well that'd be easy. I need these groceries, and it will help crazy lady get a baby. Bonus! Unfortunately unless I sell the groceries that I just bought from Costco and starve my current family - myself, my husband, my Dalmatian and my wiener dog - I won't be able to sell groceries or other things that people buy in order to live. Sigh.

In the meantime, I'm hoping that Jack FM will soon be revealing their 95th fantasy as adopting a child! I can always hope right?

Anyways, it's back to my fundraising drawing board. Hopefully I can think of something that doesn't sell you crap you don't need. Just thought I would share some of my random thoughts (or rant) with you.

On a positive, less depressed note - what is FREAKING amazing to me is that we have raised nearly $17,000 for our adoption! People - that is nearly half way there! in about $700 we will be half way to our goal of $35,000 which has blown me away. So I want to continue to thank you for your generosity and support. Even though I complain about my fundraising frustrations and discouragement, I want you to know that I NEVER take for granted how far we have come and the generosity of all of you!

Stay tuned for up coming fundraisers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, remember too that you don't need the whole amount of money in one go. So you can tick off expenses as they come which is nice too!
    we hosted a Ukrainian orphan this summer and so I now have a "Ukrainian son " Lova too. unfortunately he had to return to the Ukraine at the end of August, Lova took a huge piece of my heart with him the thing he liked best about Canada was family " mum, dad and billy" he told us.
    Hang in there your child is waiting for you somewhere!
