Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Good morning all and Happy Mother's Day! This day we celebrate the amazing thing that motherhood is or at least what I imagine it will be. Just wanted to give a shout out to all the moms. Hope you are continually blessed by your beautiful children, I know that I am blessed to even be an aunt and I can't wait to have a baby for myself one day.

I also wanted to announce some news that Justin and I have to share! We have found a house! It happened way faster than we expected but God really works in ways that we don't always understand. We had been pre-approved for a mortgage and not even a week later we found our house. We had looked at several houses and none of them had sparked anything within us. On Wednesday this past week, Justin had been feeling really sickly and called in sick to work. I think he really needed the sleep. He had started feeling better and we were both home, so I suggested that we go look at this house that we had received information on from our realtor. We went and looked that afternoon and fell in love with this 1500 square foot 4 level split. Our bible study was then later cancelled which gave us the opportunity to put in an offer. We did have to compete a bit as someone else also put in an offer that night and the next morning we discovered they accepted our offer! We are now in the process of getting our financing in place and our home inspection is on Wednesday. If all goes well we will have possession on May 31st! Holy Smokes! That's incredibly fast, but God is really giving us peace as we go through this process.

Our home is in need of some painting, the previous owners seem to like to colour green a little too much! The house is like I said a 4 level split, it has four bedrooms, two full bathrooms, one half bath and two living areas. The 2nd basement (I call the levels - main level, upstairs, 1st basement and 2nd basement) is unfinished, which gives Justin a bit of freedom to do with it what he would like. It's so big, we will be here for a while! The area is the area that I grew up in so we will be close to my parent's house (my parents are currently in Uganda, but my brother lives there). The only downfall is that we are moving a bit farther away from my sister and their kids, we enjoy being so close to them now! But we are so excited for our new to us home! Pictures to follow!

Hope you guys enjoy your mother's day! We are heading out to spend time with Justin's parents in Caronport. Give your mom big hugs and lots of love today! Moms- love your kids (not that you don't already do that), but just know on this day celebrating moms.... I'm jealous of you all. One day (maybe next year?), I'll be a mom.

Love you guys.


  1. I'm so happy for both of you!! This is so clearly God's working things out in your lives, providing for you a wonderful home to bring your baby up in. What great news to celebrate Mother's Day with!!! :-)

    Love & prayers
    Tina Neudorf

  2. Thank you so much Tina! We are SO excited! Already talking about how we are going to prepare baby's room, figured we will be able to have the room ready for baby pretty soon after we move in! Very exciting!

  3. It is my prayer that this will be the last Mother's Day that you are not a mother. Our God is a great big God and with Him all things are possible.
    I love you so very much and it is a huge privilege to be your mom. Can't wait to see your house when we get back. We know it is God's will that we are here, but it feels like we are missing out on so many exciting things.
    We love you and have only 29 more sleeps until we get to see you!
