Hello everyone! I just wanted to do a quick blog post to catch you up with what's been happening with us in the past few days. We got to talk on the phone with our birth mom yesterday, which was so awesome. We got to know her a bit better, know what her interests and likes are, and we also got to share her a bit of who we are. She said she loved our profile and connected with us because we looked very happy and very family focused. This made my heart happy in that we were able to accurately portray who we are in our profile. The conversation went well and it made it all feel so real! She said she is hot and ready to have this baby. Florida is hot all the time, but apparently it's a hot year this year and it's been up over 40 degrees celsius! She is currently 36 4/7 weeks pregnant, and although we would LOVE for this little guy to come early, none of her other babes came before their due date. So we are just trusting that God's time will be the right time!
In the meantime, the cost is overwhelming and we are getting in some last minute fundraising. Thankfully I have people planning the fundraiser for me, as it stresses me so much trying to get people to come to these things. I hate feeling like a burden to people and money/fundraising stresses me out. But I want to tell you something cool. On Thursday I got up and did my devotions before I headed to work. I prayed and told God that I was trusting that he take care of the financials. I had a good but busy day at work. When I came home I brought in the mail and hung out with Justin. I opened a letter we had received and it had a very generous money order in it from an anonymous donor. So I just want to say thank you anonymous for your generous donation to our baby fund! God is amazing and provides for us, so we are trusting him to continue to do so. So in the continued spirit of fundraising I want to let you guys know of our final fundraiser coming up on July 10. It sucks that is is summer and I know many of you will be away or planning on doing other stuff, but I really pray and hope that you would consider coming. It's a supper catered by Charlotte's catering at 6 PM on July 10 at Celebration Church 3130 Renfrew cres East, Regina. Tickets are $25 adults, $15 for kids and kids under 4 are free. It's just a meal, no silent auction or raffles. We do hope you would consider coming and making this night a success! If you are unable to make it but want to support us with a donation, we will accept that too! Just connect with us by either phone, email or Facebook and we can set up a time to connect with you. Our paypal button also still works on the right hand side of the blog here, so if you'd like to give that way go for it!
We ask you continue to pray for us as we are nesting for this little one and as we anxiously await his arrival. You can pray for our birth mom that she will feel peace with her decision. Pray for our son that he makes a safe entrance into this world. Thanks for the love! We can't wait to introduce you to our son.
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