Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy new year and wishing you the best for 2015!

Hey everyone, so it's 2015… that's crazy talk. I wanted to wish you a happy new year and give you a few thoughts on where I'm at as we move into a new year.

I honestly thought (and hoped and prayed) that 2014 was going to be the year we were matched and got to start growing our family. 2014 was a long, trying year for us, and I've been surprised with how long we have been waiting (even though the agency told us the average wait time is 9-18 months). I have met a few families over the past couple years who have adopted through our same agency. They were matched in about 6 months of active waiting. So I thought for sure that would be about what we would wait. Well, January 22 will mark the day of ONE YEAR of active waiting status. It's been a long year.

Part of me felt like "2014, what a waste of a year" when the year ended. But I feel like that attitude would not only slap God in face with all that he has taught me this year, but that it also makes it seem like I don't trust in God's perfect timing. I do trust that God's timing is best, but I am also getting rather impatient, and have been for a while.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 that we need to "ask, and you shall receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you". And I was saying to God, have I not been asking enough? But only a few verses before that in Matthew 6 he also says "Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you". So I am challenged to make sure that during our wait I am still seeking God first, and a child second. God should be my biggest desire, not having children.

As I look at the struggle 2014 was, I pray that 2015 will be better and that we will have a family soon.

I also want to wish all of you a happy new year! I want to thank you all for your continued love, support, and prayers as we go through this tough time. We love you all and are very blessed with the people that surround us! Hoping to bring good news of our adoption to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. God's timing is always perfect and I know you know this. Will continue to pray for both of you as you wait for the child God is sending your way! :-)

    Love & prayers,
