Thursday, January 16, 2014

2013 in review, forward into 2014!

Hello Everyone!

As we have jumped forward into the new year I just wanted to take some time and reflect on the past year and where we have come. This past year was a hard year for both Justin and I, but we have been stretched and truly changed by everything that has happened. We have been so blessed by the amazing love and support that has come from you through encouraging words, actions and finances. We again want to say thank you, for all you have done for us! We are nearly at $19,000 raised because of you! We have only felt love through this time and are so grateful for all of you!

Onward to the future. I received an email last week from our agency, stating that we would be removed from the wait list this week and put on the active list! Our worker said she would send out an email when that occurred, which hasn't happened yet, but I'm sure it will today or tomorrow. So we will be actually waiting soon. Just to clarify, when we applied to our agency, we were put on a wait list (not thee wait list but a wait list). When on the wait list you are just waiting for nothing, your profile doesn't get shown, you wait to be put on the active list. When we are on the active list - by the end of this week! - We could get a phone call at any time telling us that we have been matched to a pregnant mom, or a baby that has already been born. I tear up thinking that this is the next step for us, I'm truly so ridiculously excited!! So the agency will be showing our profile to pregnant moms and it's nice to know that at least we are getting out there and hopefully someone thinks we are awesome enough to raise their child(ren).

As we have dove head first into a new year, we look forward to getting that call telling us we are matched, hearing that our baby has been born, adoption papers signed, flying down to meet our little one(s) and bringing them home. I am confident that 2014 is going to be the best year ever because I will get to become a mom!

In the meantime I get to snuggle babies at work, and my sister also just had a baby two days ago! My beautiful new nephew - Judah - will be receiving a ton of aunty snuggles, as expected.

2014 has already been a great year, becoming active on the wait list, and a new nephew, I can't wait to see what else is going to happen in 2014!

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