Sunday, June 9, 2013

Long time, no blog.

Hey guys, I want to apologize for the lack of blogging lately. The last couple weeks have been way more hectic than I ever want to experience again, but I thought I would kind of give you guys a bit of a summary of what we have been up to. We packed up and moved out of our mould infested rental home into our new to us house on May 31. My grandma and mother in law came and helped us completely clean our old place and start unpacking a bit at our new house. We started painting on June 1st and have accomplished a lot! All 4 bedrooms have been painted and the main floor living room. It's amazing how a few coats of paint have really revitalized the look of the house already. Justin still has some work to do in the bathrooms and the upstairs hallway before we can paint, but it will all look fabulous when we are done! We have somewhat unpacked. Hopefully now that most of our painting is done, we will be able to stop living out of boxes and unpack! I apologize, I do not have pictures on my computer, they are on Justin's and I will eventually post some pictures of the new house... you might just have to stop by sometime! The pictures will come!

Justin and I were both in a wedding yesterday, which was so much fun and amazing. It was a long busy day, but it was beautiful, even with all the rain! After getting to sleep around midnight last night, our alarm went off at 330 this morning to get us up and out the door for my trip to Africa! So I am currently sitting in Calgary (we have a 8 hour lay over here), then we are off to Amsterdam, then Entebbe! I am so excited and ready to see my parents.

I would like to ask for your prayers for this trip, for safety for me and my siblings, but also just for protection over my overly sensitive heart. The last couple of weeks have been exhausting and thus I find myself on emotional overload. Justin and I tried to go to a movie on Tuesday that sold out so we therefore couldn't see it and I cried. It's been a lot these last few weeks. I am excited for Africa but also know how much my heart is going to break for the people there, especially the children. I will hopefully be able to blog (with pictures!), while I'm there.

In adoption news, Justin and I start our home study on July 2nd!!! This process will take about a month. Then we can move on to applying to the agency in Florida. Stuff is really coming together.

Thanks for all the love, help with painting (Ash, Rose and Anna!!! THANK YOU!!), we have been busy and I have been really missing blogging.

Love you guys, thanks for reading this very short update. Keep us in your prayers as I'm in Africa and Justin's at home.

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