Hey guys! so it's been way too long since I have blogged but I thought I should kind of update everyone on our lives! We have had a busy summer which unfortunately got me behind in our blogging - let's face it I've been falling behind for a while. We have been very blessed to visit with family that we haven't seen in a while and share what God has been doing in our lives.
Currently we are waiting to finish off our home study. We started the process in July and we hope to be done by the end of September at the latest. Our next visit is on September 5th and this visit is actually at our house. After that we will meet to look over the report our social worker will write up and then we will be getting ready to apply to our agency in Florida! It's so funny because stuff always seems to take longer than I would like, and at this point I am just starting to know and expect that everything will take much longer. For how impatient of a person I am, I am definitely getting a lesson of patience through this time. So in our adoption process itself - we haven't really moved much. But hey we are getting there.
I really want to express my gratitude to God and to all of our friends and family. I know that so many people who are experiencing infertility can feel stuck. Stuck in feelings and pain and anger. They can be experiencing this for years and still have all of those feelings feel so fresh and new. I am so grateful that we have been able to move forward and not get stuck. I have my days that are hard, but I feel so blessed that I can openly talk to people about our struggles in this area. It really helps me get through it and accept it. So thank you to all of you who have loved us, followed our blog, supported us financially or through prayer. We feel so incredibly honoured. We are moving forward at a slow, but somewhat steady pace I guess, and we are hoping that 2014 will be our year.
I also just wanted to point out that we have raised over $16,000 for our adoption already! We only have another $19,000 to raise before hitting our goal of $35,000! Hopefully (if I get on it soon), we will have some bigger fundraisers happening soon. Remember our puzzle piece fundraiser that we have going continually. minimum $5 donation gets your name on the back of a puzzle piece. When our baby comes home they will grow up seeing all the people who helped us get them into our home!
Just for fun, I thought I would finally post a few pictures that I had taken in Africa while I was there in June. I only just started going through all my pictures. Hope you enjoy these!
Thanks for sticking with our blog even though we have had a bit of a hiatus! I will be trying to blog more often now that summer is coming to a close and we have gotten more settled into our new home! Love you all and thanks for all your love and prayers!