Hello everyone! So I feel as though we have been caught up in a giant whirlwind the last week or so. All of our conditions and financing have been approved for our home. Right now we are just dealing with all the closing costs and paperwork and we will be taking possession of our house on May 31st - less than 2 weeks away. It's been such a whirlwind and feels really surreal, but we are so excited to get into our home! We are busy picking out some paint colours and trying to pack what we can at this point. It's been so busy.
As crazy as it is that we are buying a house at this exact moment in time, I really have seen God's hand in this. Things are never in our time but in Gods. We are a little overwhelmed some days with the move and whatnot, but we are thankful that we will be there before our homestudy is done. Our homestudy will begin in July, once I get back from Africa. It will be good to have our homestudy completed in the home that we will be raising our baby in. We think and hope that it will be easier than if we were to move after our homestudy was done and we were still in the process. We are trusting in God's timing and provision during this time.
At the same time, we are tucking away savings for the baby, trying to figure out when the right time to buy baby furniture is.... (Justin won't let me buy it until at least August), and we are also trying to figure out some fundraisers for the future. I announced our puzzle piece fundraiser earlier and I can now announce that we have finally bought our puzzle, well actually puzzles. We found two puzzles that we thought would be cute in a baby room that also will display the American heritage that our baby will have. The puzzles are each 300 pieces, so we have a total of 600 pieces to sell. A minimum of $5 donation to our baby fund will get your name on the back of one of those puzzle pieces (as mentioned earlier if you have previously given us a donation, you have already bought a puzzle piece). Our baby will be able to see daily the people that helped us build our family. The picture of the two puzzles are below.

Thanks again for all your support and prayers. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to sit down and actually write a blog that goes a bit a deeper as it has been a while since I've written one of those. Please keep us in your prayers. We are so excited to get our home, but it will be hard to prepare a nursery not knowing when our baby is going to join us. I also go to Africa in three weeks and will be spending a lot of time with orphans that have been abandoned.... I will want to bring every single one home with me. Pray that my heart doesn't get completely trampled on. It will be hard to leave them all behind. Everyday that passes I feel like I'm even more overdue for motherhood. We have been able to have our niece and nephew spend the weekend with us and it just makes me want babies even more (although I would have liked to sleep past 7 this morning). It's still hard to watch others expanding their families so easily. One day, we will forget about all this pain. I know when we meet our little one that the pain will be so tiny compared to the love that I will have for that child. I'm so excited for that day. Until then, we wait.
Love you all.
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